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01352 753303
Opening Times: Mon - Fri: 8:30AM - 5:00PM
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Edward David Goble

Home  /  Edward David Goble
Photo of a friendly chiropodist from the absolute footcare team
Edward David Goble
Podiatrist and Owner
01352 753303
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Since 1997 Eddie has seen absolute footcare go from strength to strength. Especially as two of his sons joined him. Chris in 2007 and Lee in 2012.

Eddie has enjoyed the opportunity to provide footcare to many wonderful people over the past 23 years. The chance to enhance his skills acquired at Salford University has been a life-changing experience. Although Eddie is now partially retired, he looks forward to maintaining his role in the treatment of patients for many years to come.

Specialty Podiatrist and Owner
Degrees BSc (Hons) Podiatry degree from The University of Salford 1992-1996
Training Local anaesthesia Biomechanical assessments and manufacture of custom orthotics Lower limb acupuncture Basic first aid, including treatment for anaphylactic shock
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