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Care Homes

Home  /  Care Homes

Absolute Footcare has been a provider of footcare services since 1997 and is the sole provider of footcare services to five clinic locations and approximately 30 nursing homes around North Wales and the North West of England; we also service a vast customer base of private home visits throughout the same area.

With a large team of podiatrists and foot health professionals we are able to deliver a reliable, dignified and excellent care service to your residents using the most up to date and modern equipment. Each patient has individual notes that are stored securely and electronically so that we can keep a track of the condition of their feet, enabling us to identify other potential health conditions such as diabetes, peripheral vascular disease and peripheral neuropathy.

Having a large presence in this area, Absolute Footcare are confident that our services will enhance the reputation of your home.

If you are interested in learning more about why our services are any different to what you currently have then please contact us today and we will arrange for one of our owners to visit your home.

Contact us for more information or book an appointment today