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3 years ago

Diabetes and the numbers…

3 years ago

Peripheral Arterial Disease

Peripheral Arterial Disease,PAD 👣
Peripheral arterial disease is caused by the build up
of fatty deposits in the arteries of the legs. (Atherosclerosis).

Peripheral Arterial Disease:👣
Reduces the blood flow to muscles causing pain or cramping,
(Intermittent Claudication).
Pain/cramping commonly occurs in the calf muscles of the leg
when exercising or at night when sleeping.

Peripheral Arterial Disease: 👣
Can also cause changes in skin colour and texture, hair loss,
brittle dry nails, and ulceration.

Having your Feet and Pulses checked regularly by ... See more

3 years ago

Peripheral Neuropathy👣

Occurs when there is damage to the nerves of the hand and feet,
causing pain, numbness, tingling and burning sensations👣

Peripheral Neuropathy👣
The most common cause of peripheral neuropathy in the Uk
Is diabetes 👣

#Visiting your #Podiatrist/Chiropodist regularly and #NHS health care
professionals will help maintain your foot health. 👣

#Chiropodist #Podiatrist #Protectedtitles #Diabetes


3 years ago

Discover your feet in 2022 👍😀

3 years ago

Merry Christmas everyone. A little late but we have been busy decorating our tree with the cutest decoration ever. Welcome to the family Tia and to all a happy new year 😉

3 years ago

For bad and good hair days 😳

3 years ago

What does a podiatrist do?

A Podiatrist’s primary aim is to improve the mobility, independence and quality of life for their patients. Imagine how amazing that feels!

Podiatrists specialise in the foot, ankle and leg, leading the patient care through the whole journey including prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Podiatrists work in a variety of places and can work with a team of people including doctors and nurses or on their own running their own business


3 years ago

We Will Remember Them

#remembranceday #remembranceday2021

3 years ago

Keep safe this bonfire night. 😀

3 years ago

Haley trying out a pneumatic drill😳. It actually felt quite nice😀