Injection Therapies
If you suffer from common pain in your knee, ankle or foot and other treatments have been ineffective, then you may want to consider booking in for a consultation regarding different injection therapies including:
Steroid injections
Steroid injections are used in the field of podiatric medicine to treat a wide range of musculoskeletal disorders. The steroid is used to relieve pain, swelling and inflammation. A steroid injection can be injected into or around a joint, tendon, or ligament.
Steroid injections can be used as part of a treatment plan to improve pain and reduce inflammation.
How Can Steroid Injections Help Me?
- Plantar fasciitis / Heel pain
- Knee and Ankle pain
- Arthritis
- Morton’s Neuroma
- Bursitis
- Hallux rigidus/limitus
- Sinus Tarsi syndrome
- Ligament injury
Joint Aspiration
Aspiration of a joint removes fluid from the space around a joint. This procedure relieves swelling, which in turn reduces pain and discomfort. Aspiration will also obtain fluid for analysis to aid in diagnosing a joint disorder or problem.
Dermal Fillers
For a more permanent solution to painful corns and callus
What are dermal fillers, and how do they work?
Dermal fillers are an injectable implant. They are mainly comprised of a sugar called hyaluronic acid which naturally occurs in the body. This sugar is found all over our body, including in our skin and in our joints.
Hyaluronic acid works by attracting water to an area and causing it to “plump” up. When we inject this (in a dermal filler), it causes water to be drawn to the area which “plumps” up the skin and provides cushioning.
What Can Dermal Fillers Be Used For On My Feet?
There are several ways dermal fillers can be used within podiatry. The most common ways are to provide cushioning (usually under the ball of the foot) and to ease discomfort/formation of corns.
How Can Dermal Fillers Help My Corns?
Corns are plugs of hard skin caused by pressure. If this pressure if not removed then the corn will always return. Sometimes this pressure is caused by footwear, the way you walk, a lack of fatty padding or bony changes in the foot.
Dermal fillers can be injected underneath the corn in under to provide cushioning to ease discomfort. By providing padding underneath the corn, it can also take away the pressure causing it and help to stop the corn returning
How Long Do Dermal Fillers Last?
Dermal fillers usually last anywhere from 2-12 months; however, current studies have shown dermal fillers lasting 6-12 months. In order to maintain the desired effects, top-up treatments are usually advised.