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Foot Mobilisation Technique

Home  /  Foot Mobilisation Technique

Foot Mobilisation

Our experienced podiatry team assess your feet within an initial consultation and discuss your treatment plan, which may consist of FMT. FMT is a manual therapy specifically developed to improve your foot and ankle function by targeting stiff, dysfunctional joints to improve movement and discomfort. FMT is used in combination with other treatment modalities such as rehabilitation, strength/conditioning and orthotics. This form of manual therapy involves identifying every joint in the foot and ankle to treat the cause of foot pain, rather than simply treating the symptom. Mobilising joints increases synovial fluid which is vital in joint lubrication to improve joint movement.

  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Achilles tendon pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Ankle sprains and instability
  • Hammertoes
  • Cuboid syndrome
  • Musculoskeletal injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Improving orthotic therapy outcomes

We pride ourselves in the treatment of general footcare, including; corns, callus and ingrown toenails.

Fungal nail infections affect up to 30% of the population. Our treatment options are highly effective.

Verrucae are mutations of skin cells caused by the human papillomavirus. We have several treatments.

These cover a comprehensive examination of how your lower limbs work.

In most cases, we can treat your ingrown toenail conservatively, with a simple nail cutting.

Our podiatrists can help in the prevention and treatment of sports injuries of the lower limb.

We pride ourselves in the treatment of general footcare, including; corns, callus and ingrown toenails.

Fungal nail infections affect up to 30% of the population. Our treatment options are highly effective.

Verrucae are mutations of skin cells caused by the human papillomavirus. We have several treatments.

These cover a comprehensive examination of how your lower limbs work.

In most cases, we can treat your ingrown toenail conservatively, with a simple nail cutting.

Our podiatrists can help in the prevention and treatment of sports injuries of the lower limb.

Contact us for more information or book an appointment today